Case study: Redesigning a landing page

Mohd Bilal
Published in
4 min readJun 9, 2021


What is Petofy

Petofy is an aggregator platform for everything your pet needs. It connects pet owners with pet service providers helping them find all services in one digital platform.

Project objective

The overall product features were not that prominent in terms of both UI / UX so it was analyzed, and general insights were documented.

The needs of pet parents and veterinarians were documented and segregated differently to understand how the components should be segregated for both kinds of users.

Potential users and customers

Pet parents and Veterinarians

Providers vs Consumers

Some of the potential problems on the landing page were analyzed before shart pushing the pixels

New vs Old

Let's dive deep into each section of the landing screen

Top Navigation Bar

Compared with the previous one this time I have been I bit selective in this section. Now we have used fewer links on the navbar which will reduce the information density and will also help our core features and primary CTA to stand out better.



Home page Low fidelity sketches

Initial sketches and flows

Hero section

It is the primary section of the website and the only place where we have to convey our brand values within a limited period of time and to achieve that I have tried to convey our brand storytelling by answering these 4–5 questions mentioned in the image down below that user most probably have in their mind when they first land to any new website.

The idea behind visuals

Mega Menu


To explain how we can help our user’s services are the major path where we need to drive attention by making the users remember our services for a longer period of time which will also help us to convert that ideal user into an active user and to make it possible I have tried to show each service with a single fold by showing them a wider top view of each form so that they can explore all eight services within single view without scrolling down.

Social Proof

We as a people are very very biased but when we see that a good amount of other people has used the product then it enhances the no of actions taken.
The positive side was this was not just hypothetical numbers.

Maintaining attention

If we are going to show them everything we have or if we are going to tell them every tiny little detail then there are chances we are gonna lose them so on the landing page our goal was to keep people very focused by limiting a lot of unnecessary elements so I Eliminated blogs and donate pets feature from landing page too secondary links.


The footer is often overlooked but its the perfect place to drive a call to actions one last time so taking this as an opportunity to reward users who scroll all the way down to the end of your page I have tried to structure a better site map that works also by including social content.

That’s it, folks! Hope you enjoyed this case study.

If you haven’t checked my branding project for the same product yet here is the link- Click here

Key Takeaways

This project was a golden opportunity for me to dive deeper into user experience and to improve my UI skills parallelly.

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